Accessibility and Accommodations in the Library
Building Access
Elevator: Located at the south end of the Library. Let staff know if you need assistance if you are in a wheelchair or have mobility needs.
Restrooms: There are wheelchair-accessible women's and men's restrooms at the south end of the Library on the main floor and lower level.
Parking: Anyone with an official disability parking permit may use the Disability Services parking spaces outside Coeur de Catherine. On the Campus Map (PDF) disability parking is in the area marked between Buildings 3 and 4 near the D indicator (between CdC and Butler Fitness Center).
Study Rooms and Quiet Space
Study Rooms: The Library has group study rooms which can be reserved online or in the Library on the tablets outside each room. There are several study rooms available for single users. If you need assistance with booking a room, contact the Circulation Desk staff at 651-690-8737 or
Designated quiet space for individual study is on the lower level of the Library. This level is often less crowded than the main floor.
A wellness room (see KnowledgeBase article) is located on the lower level of the Library in Room 76. This is a private space where students and employees can tend to their personal health needs such as de-stressing, administering medication, or for lactation purposes.
Digital Document Delivery
Library staff can digitize articles and book chapters, and add accessibility features (OCR) to the PDF, if requested. Once you have located the title in LibSearch, select "Request via Interlibrary Loan" and verify that the "Format type" button is "Digital PDF (Article/Book Chapter).” Fill out additional citation information if necessary, and include a note that you need OCR added. (contact Jade Erickson, Access Services Librarian for OCR issues). If you need assistance with placing requests, contact a librarian.
Requests for books in an alternative format need to be made through Student Accessibility and Accommodations.
Ask the Tech Hub staff if you need help with onsite printing, copying, and/or scanning; they’re located inside the Library.
Retrieving Library Materials
Staff can retrieve items for you from library shelves or other areas that may be inaccessible. For assistance, go to the Circulation Desk. If you need multiple items, please request them through LibSearch (staff can assist you with using this tool).
Assistive Technology and Equipment
Most of the library's online resources (ebooks, databases, etc) have accessibility features, including audio (text to speech). For more information consult the database help, or ask a librarian for more information.
Computer equipment and software is handled by the McGlynn Information Technology Center.

Read&Write, a literacy support tool that includes text-to-speech, is installed on all public library computers (users at public computers will need to bring their own headphones or check out a pair at the Tech Hub when using the text-to-speech features).

Sensory earmuffs - noise canceling headsets are available for check-out at the Circulation Desk.

A TOPAZ Magnifier, for enlarging print materials, is located on a table in the Dew Drop area on the main floor. For assistance, contact the Circulation Desk staff.

Stability balls for seating are located in Study Rooms 125 and 126.
Library Instruction Assistance
Faculty who require accommodations for themselves or their students during an in-person or virtual library instruction session should contact a subject librarian directly.
Questions, Suggestions, or Concerns
If you experience a barrier because of your disability while using the Library or have a recommendation to improve our services, please contact Sue Gray, Research & Instruction Librarian.