Jade Erickson

About Jade
Jade Erickson is the Access Services Librarian, managing the access services for the Library. This includes running the circulation desk and our consortial borrowing service through CLIC, interlibrary loan and document delivery, course reserves, billing, and monitoring our physical print and media collections. She helps provide St. Kate’s students, faculty, and staff answers to their question about research material and accessing them, whether we own them or not. Along with this, she loves to interact with the students and make sure they have everything they need.
Jade has a BA in linguistics from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and a Masters in Library and Information Science from St. Kate's.
Jade has many interests outside of the Library and is also happy to chat about giraffes, goat cheese, or succulents.
Selected Presentations
Banitt, N., Chermak, A., & Erickson, J. (2018). Resume building: Supporting staff and student assistants. Presented at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, St. Cloud, MN.
Creason, K., & Erickson, J. (2017). CLIC courier tracking project: 11 libraries, 6 schools, 1 collection. Report presented to the CLIC Board, St. Paul, MN.