The St. Kate’s Library has developed a Textbook Collection for student usage. This service helps offset student expenses as a part of the library's commitment to textbook affordability.
The Library’s Textbook Collection attempts to include at least one copy of any required textbook in either print or electronic format. Electronic books (Ebooks) are accessible with a St. Kate’s login; print books are available for in-library use only.
Note that because of various publisher restrictions, not all textbooks are available for the library to purchase. The library strives to purchase unlimited user eBook versions when available but will get the next best option (single user eBook, print, etc.) when that option is unavailable.
Please note that we textbooks may take time to process, so check back often to see if your textbook has become available. As this program progresses, we will refresh the collection each semester based on what classes are being offered and which texts they require.

This guide explains the process by which students can:
- Identify which textbooks are needed for their classes via St. Kate’s Bookstore or Canvas
- Locate copies of the titles they need in the Library
Q: How do I search for my textbooks?
A: You can search for your textbook by title via LibSearch or browse the Textbook Featured Collection.
Q: Does this mean I don’t need to ever buy a textbook again?
A: Not necessarily… Some textbooks may be bundled with supplemental materials that are required for your courses, or come in formats that the library doesn’t purchase, such as loose leaf binders.
Q. Why am I not able to access my electronic (e-book) textbook?
A: E-books have different restrictions based on the publisher. Books might allow for 1, several, or unlimited simultaneous users. If the book you are trying to access does not let you in, it probably allows only limited simultaneous users. Try accessing the book again later, and when you are done with the e-textbook, don't forget to close the browser tab so others can access the e-book!
Q: Do physical copies of these textbooks have to stay in the library, or can I check them out?
A: Our goal with this collection is to make sure that all students have equal access to course readings. Therefore all physical textbooks in this collection cannot be checked out for personal use.
Physical textbooks are located around and past the Circulation Desk for use anytime during library hours. Follow our helpful signage or ask a librarian to help find the collection.
We encourage students to collaborate and share the library textbooks with classmates in case certain books are in high demand!
Q: What if I don’t see my required textbooks listed yet?
A: We are continually ordering and processing books for this collection and they will be posted as they become available. If you don’t see your textbook yet, email us to see if it’s still in process or in case it was missed.
Other questions? Please email library@stkate.edu or your subject librarian.