Amy Mars

- Information literacy
- Digital humanities
- Library outreach services
About Amy
Amy is a Research & Instruction Librarian at St. Kate’s Library. With her colleagues, she delivers information literacy instruction to students in the CORE classes, including The Reflective Woman. She is the leader of the One Read for Racial Justice, a community-wide book club organization that discusses racial issues in literature. She also serves as the librarian for the humanities which includes providing students, staff, & faculty in the humanities with research assistance, delivering discipline-specific instruction, and purchasing library materials to support the curriculum for the humanities departments. She loves to learn from the people she helps as they ask her for research guidance.
Amy has a BA in anthropology from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities and a Masters in Library and Information Science from St. Kate's. When she isn’t working, she enjoys book arts and amateur naturalism.
Selected Publications and Presentations
LPittman, K., Mars, A., & Brager, T. (2019). Finding expertise in your own backyard: Creating communities of practice to support learning about the Framework. In H. Julien, M. Gross, & D. Lathan (eds.). The Information Literacy Framework: Case studies in successful implementation. Lanham, MD: Rowman & LIttlefield.
Logsdon, A., Mars, A., Tompkins, H. (2017). Claiming expertise from betwixt and between: Digital humanities librarians, emotional labor, and genre theory. College and Undergraduate Libraries, 24(2/3)
Mars, A. (2106, January 25). Advancing health equity through services to patrons experiencing homelessness WebJunction. Retrieved from
Mars, A. (2012). Library service to the homeless. Public Libraries, 51(2), 32-35.
Zettervall, S. & Mars, A. (2014). Booktalking for incarcerating teens: Scalable, sustainable success from the Hennepin County Home School. In K. Harrod & C. Smallwood (Eds.), Library youth outreach: 26 ways to connect with children, young adults and their families (pp. 63-70). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Bosher, S. & Mars, A. (2019, June 7). Digital storytelling for immigrant and refugee students: Claiming identity & creating belonging. Nineteenth International Conference on Diversity in Organizations, Communities, & Nations Conference. Patras, Greece.
Pittman, K., Mars, A., & Brager, T. (2018). Finding Common Ground: Creating Community & Connections Around Information Literacy. ITEM Conference. Alexandria, MN.
Pittman, K., Mars, A., & Brager, T. (2018). Don't panic: An academic librarian's guide to building an ACRL Framework community of practice. LOEX Annual Conference. Houston, TX.
Bosher, S. & Mars. A. (2018). Therapeutic benefits of digital storytelling for immigrant & refugee students. National Association for Poetry Therapy 38th Annual Conference. Chaska, MN.
Mars. A. & Torres, D. (2018). #LibrarianshipSoWhite: The conversation continues. ARLD Dialogue. St. Paul, MN.
23 Framework Things. [Self-paced online learning program] co-created with Kim Pittman and Trent Brager. Minnesota Library Association Instruction Roundtable.
#LibrarianshipSoWhite: Using Critical Race Theory to form a call for action with Deb Torres, Minnesota Library Association Conference, 2017.
A curious skeptic’s guide to the ACRL Information Literacy Framework with Kim Pittman and Trent Brager. Minnesota Library Association Academic & Research Libraries Division (ARLD) Day, 2017.
Putting the pieces together: The ACRL Framework at your institution with Kim Pittman, Minnesota Council of Academic Library Directors, 2016.
Millennial mixtape: Hit ‘em with your best library programming with Alicia Anderson, Isa Small, & Kim Pittman, Lake Superior Library Symposium, 2016.
Dangerous DH liaisons: Librarians (re)claiming centrality in digital collaborations with Alexis Logsdon & Heather Tompkins, Library Technology Conference, 2016.
Public library services to patrons experience homelessness & housing insecurity with Sara Zettervall, Minitex Webinar Series, 2015.
Equity, access, & community engagement: Library services to patrons experiencing homelessness NEFLIN Webinar, 2015.
Public libraries for health: Community partnerships to promote health equity with Stacey Millett, Amy Mars, Candace Thomas, Susan Hansen, Gail Supernois-Hedstrom, & Deb Hengel, Minnesota Library Association Conference, 2014.
The aisle between the shelves is a corridor out of poverty: Public libraries & homelessness. (2014). Hawaiian Library Association Conference
And social justice for all: How can librarians and social workers collaborate? (2013). Minnesota Library Association Conference
Adult services & programming for aging populations. (2013). Minnesota Library Association Conference
Facing foreclosure or homelessness: How library services can help. (2012). Minnesota Library Association Conference
Sampling from the buffet of free concept mapping software. (2012). Library Technology Conference