Anne Beschnett

- Information Literacy
- Assessment
- Evidence Based Practice
- Consumer Health Information
- Health Literacy
About Anne
Anne Beschnett is a research and instruction librarian. She works with students, faculty, and staff to support them during the research process, from topic formation and database searching to using citation managers. Her favorite part of the job is working with students and helping them get through whatever challenges they run into during their research.
Anne has a BA in Classical Studies from Gustavus Adolphus College, a Masters in Library and Information Science from Dominican University, as well as a Public Health Certificate from the University of Minnesota. When not working at the library, she loves to go running and help coach her daughter’s hockey team.
View Anne's calendar and contact her to set up an appointment.
Selected Publications and Presentations
Banick, C., & Beschnett, A. (2013). Personal health records: A look at My HealtheVet. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 12(2), 142-149.
Beschnett, A., & Bulger, J. (2013). Patient education and the hospital library: Opportunities for involvement. Journal of Hospital Librarianship, 12(1), 42‐46.
Aspinall, E., Beschnett, A., & Ellwood, A. (2012). Health literacy for older adults: Using evidence to build a model educational program. Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 31(3), 302-314.
Beschnett, A. (2011). Helping patients get the message: Keystone to patients’ health literacy. Minnesota Physician, 25(1), 18-19.
Beschnett, A. (2011). HeLP MN Seniors: Workshops to improve the health literacy skills of older adults. Journal of Hospital Librarianship,11(2), 158-164.
Block, K., & Beschnett, A. (2010). Reaching out by going local: Outreach activities and My Health Minnesota -> Go Local. Journal of Consumer Health on the Internet, 14(3), 224-233.
Aho, M., Beschnett, A., & Reimer, E. (2010). Using an untapped resource: Expanding the role of the student worker at the Bio-Medical Library. Public Services Quarterly, 6(1), 65-68.
Mars, A., & Beschnett, A. (2017, May). Writing student learning outcomes with the framework in mind. Presented at the Minnesota Library Association/ARLD Day Pre-Conference Workshop, Maplewood, MN.
Beschnett, A., & Gray, S. (2016, September). Moving on: Lessons learned from an information literacy instruction assessment project. Presented at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, Duluth, MN.
Beschnett, A., Mars, A., Suchy, L., Rickert, K., & Gray, S. (2016, June). Scaffolded vs. traditional one shot information literacy instruction in a first term common experience course. Poster presented at the American Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Beattie, J., Beschnett, A., Koffel, J., Matts, L., McGuire, L., Nault, A., & Weinfurther, E. (2014) Designed locally, accessed globally: Building a better evidence-based practice tutorial. Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Beschnett, A., and Koffel, J. (2014). Investigating the feasibility and interest in a physical therapy humanities journal. Poster presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Weinfurter, L., and Beschnett, A. (2013). Supporting nursing researchers and practitioners worldwide: Mapping the literature of public health and community nursing. Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA.
Beschnett, Anne. (2012). Seeking an opportunity for professional growth: Gaining advanced subject knowledge through a public health certificate program. Presented at the Midwest Chapter/Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Rochester, MN.
Beschnett, A., & Ellwood, A. (2011). HeLP MN Seniors: A health literacy program for seniors in your community. Presented at the Wisconsin Health Literacy Summit, Madison, WI.
Donahue, A., Beschnett, A., & Fine, E. (2010). Librarian involvement in a family medicine clerkship patient education project: A case report.” Paper presented at the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Beschnett, A., Block, K., & Brasure, M. (2010). Consumer health information outreach: Training public library staff. Presented at the Medical Library Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.