On the morning of Saturday, October 14th, St. Kate’s students, alumnae, faculty, and staff will participate in Citizen Katie. Citizen Katie is a day of giving back to the community surrounding St. Kate’s. Groups will volunteer at Carondelet Village, Second Harvest Heartland, Habitat for Humanity, and many other organizations around the Twin Cities. This week's display in the CdC atrium uses items from the Archives and Special Collections to look back at previous community service activities at St. Kate's.
Although Citizen Katie has occurred annually since 2004, St. Kate’s history of community service goes back much further. During the 1940s, St. Kate’s organized a Red Cross College Unit. St. Kate’s students in this unit participated in volunteer events such as being hostesses for social events at the Veteran’s Hospital Annex. This unit was active through the 1960s. In 1973, St. Kate’s students participated in Motivational Tutorial, an organization that worked with schoolchildren in the city. Finally, in the early 2000s St. Kate’s took part in two projects with Habitat for Humanity. During the spring of 2001 members of the St. Kate's community participate in Women Build and constructed walls for two St. Paul houses. As part of the University's centennial St. Kate's sponsored a Habitat for Humanity house in the summer of 2005. Almost 500 volunteers worked to help build the Centennial House, serve lunches, and manage the project.
Organizations have also been established on campus to engage students in a variety of community service activities. In 1972, the St. Kate’s student government created the Volunteer Services commission. Volunteer Services was an organization that gave students the opportunity to volunteer at several different agencies such as the Lutheran Social Service, Girl Scouts, and Merriam Park Community Center. Members of Volunteer Services could decide which organizations they wanted to assist, which allowed for a more flexible volunteer experience. More recently, the organization Volunteers in Action has given St. Kate’s students similar opportunities to volunteer in the community.
If you would like more information about St. Kate’s history of community service over time or other information about the University, please visit the archives in the lower level of the library. We're open Monday-Friday, 9:30-4:30. Our Archives and Special Collections are also available on the St. Catherine University Library website.

Although Citizen Katie has occurred annually since 2004, St. Kate’s history of community service goes back much further. During the 1940s, St. Kate’s organized a Red Cross College Unit. St. Kate’s students in this unit participated in volunteer events such as being hostesses for social events at the Veteran’s Hospital Annex. This unit was active through the 1960s. In 1973, St. Kate’s students participated in Motivational Tutorial, an organization that worked with schoolchildren in the city. Finally, in the early 2000s St. Kate’s took part in two projects with Habitat for Humanity. During the spring of 2001 members of the St. Kate's community participate in Women Build and constructed walls for two St. Paul houses. As part of the University's centennial St. Kate's sponsored a Habitat for Humanity house in the summer of 2005. Almost 500 volunteers worked to help build the Centennial House, serve lunches, and manage the project.

Organizations have also been established on campus to engage students in a variety of community service activities. In 1972, the St. Kate’s student government created the Volunteer Services commission. Volunteer Services was an organization that gave students the opportunity to volunteer at several different agencies such as the Lutheran Social Service, Girl Scouts, and Merriam Park Community Center. Members of Volunteer Services could decide which organizations they wanted to assist, which allowed for a more flexible volunteer experience. More recently, the organization Volunteers in Action has given St. Kate’s students similar opportunities to volunteer in the community.

If you would like more information about St. Kate’s history of community service over time or other information about the University, please visit the archives in the lower level of the library. We're open Monday-Friday, 9:30-4:30. Our Archives and Special Collections are also available on the St. Catherine University Library website.