There are many ways we care for each other and for our community. Please share yours.
Recipes for Care is an interactive community art installation by local artist and writer Anh-Hoa Thi Nguyen, whose essay is part of Read Brave’s nonfiction title, "What We Hunger For: Refugee and Immigrant Stories about Food and Family.". Recipes for Care invites community members to share recipes that ignite, shape, and support a community of care in their lives.
There are many ways we care for each other and for our community. Please share a recipe for how you care for others— like a favorite baked good or potluck dish, and more abstract recipes, like an ingredient list for comfort that might include a warm blanket, a good book, and a close friend.
This interactive art installation of recipes from the community will be displayed at Sun Ray and Rondo libraries, as well as in an online gallery at Designed in collaboration with artist Bethany Rahn, Recipes for Care welcomes folks to participate in-person at Sun Ray or Rondo libraries and virtually.
Sharing our stories and learning from our neighbors, together we author this collection of recipes for Community Care.