David Philip Norris, 1983-2023
It is with heavy hearts that we share the sad news that David Philip Norris MLIS’17, the cataloging and metadata librarian here at St. Kate’s Library and Archives, died tragically Wednesday, Jan 11 while walking near Lake Nokomis. He was 39 years old.
David became a librarian at St. Kate’s in 2019, driven by a passion for equity in information access and connecting users with the resources they need. His commitment to confronting bias and his leadership in promoting inclusivity and diversity was deeply admired by the library community. His work in this field inspired and influenced regional and national audiences.
David was caring and inquisitive. He enjoyed gaming, learning languages, traveling, and exploring the outdoors. He will be sincerely missed.
Please keep David and his loved ones in your thoughts and prayers.
Professional Work:
Fox, V. and Norris, D. (2022, March 25). Making your library's accessible resources more discoverable [Video]. Vimeo. https://vimeo.com/692444714
Fox, V. and Norris, D. You’ve Got Accessible Resources: Can Your Users Find Them? Presentation at the Minitex Technical Services Symposium, November 9, 2021, virtual.
Moran, G., Engseth, E., Norris, D., Sippel, J. and Twomey, B. Unpacking White Supremacy in Academic Libraries: A Panel. Presentation at the Minnesota Library Association Annual Conference, October 6, 2021, virtual.

American Library Association Memorial Resolution Honoring David Philip Norris
Read at the ALA Virtual, LLX and Annual Conference Council Meetings
Quatrefoil Library remembrance
News Stories:
CBS news story: 1/13/24