Looking for a way to read some good books and connect with your colleagues this Summer? Join Shelf Indulgence: St. Kate’s Staff and Faculty Fun Reads 2023! We’ll set a theme and make suggestions of possible readings - you make the final pick of what you want to spend your precious summer reading time on.
What: Have fun & talk about books with folks from across campus
When: 2nd Tuesday of each summer month from 4:00-6:00 pm
Where: varying locations
Who: Co-hosted by the St. Kate’s Bookstore and Library & Archives
Get book suggestions, find out where to get books, and let us know you’re coming at libguides.stkate.edu/ShelfIndulgence
June 13 @Sea Salt - Theme: A book set in Minnesota
July 11 @BlackStack Brewing - Theme: Minnesota Book Awards
August 8 @Urban Growler - Theme: A banned or challenged book
RSVP to each event individually: