Library Instruction Support for The Reflective Woman (TRW)

Library Student Learning Outcomes

The student learning outcomes we identified for TRW are organized around the following themes:

  • Understanding of the research process
    • Students' research is driven by a  focused question and incorporates multiple research strategies to answer the question.
  • Creating effective search strategies
    • Students' search strategy uses effective search terms and techniques to find relevant sources.
  • Thinking critically about information
    • Students select sources that are credible, authoritative and appropriate to their question.
  • Using information ethically
    • Students demonstrate ethical use of information by providing attribution for their sources.

We are happy to work with you to develop a lesson plan that meets your needs and your students' needs. While some instructors choose to have a librarian meet with their students for one class session, we would like to suggest a different approach that delivers instruction at the point of need throughout the semester in several class sessions. The following is a suggested sequence of library sessions.


Session 1: After students choose their research topic

Time: Approx. 50-90 minutes

Formulating a Research Question

Many students start off with topics that are either too broad or narrow in scope

Search Strategies
Effective database searching requires a thoughtful search process


Session 2: As students are conducting their research

Time: Approx. 50 minutes

Critical Evaluation

Not all sources are created equal, and different types may be appropriate for different situations

Academic Integrity & Plagiarism

Develop an understanding of plagiarism and the importance of academic integrity


Introduction to the basic mechanics of APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.


Schedule Your TRW Instruction

Contact us if you have any questions. If you would like to schedule your TRW library instruction session please fill out the form below.

Library Instruction Request Form